The Wrestling Ring card serves as a call to show up and duke it out. There is an art to negotiation. There may be conflict with yourself, battling a decision internally, or externally, with someone, a group of people, or a situation. Remember, confrontation can be healthy and has its time and place. When needed, it is good to face things head on.
The Wrestling ring can also symbolize struggling to find a solution. You may be going back and forth, changing your mind about something, struggling to find an answer. Usually the best way to find something out is by showing up, trying a solution, and seeing if it works.
The Wrestling Ring is also a box; it is a good idea to examine whether you are confining yourself or thinking too small at this time. However, it can be good to jump in the ring and work out new solutions within a container. Sometimes we need a defined set of restrictions to achieve results.
More Meanings:
No matter how many times you are thrown down, get back up, become a hero, embrace ritual, train, show up for yourself, get in and fight, face your opponent, show off, take the stage, inner strength, rumble, victory, physical transformation, indecisive.