Share your truth. Grow your life.

The DOC is a tool of self-reflection.

There are no rules, no winner.

Follow your instincts.

About The Deck of Character

The Deck of Character is an oracle card deck that is so fun and simple to use, it feels like a game. Ask the cards a question about life, pull from the deck’s anthology of bold, minimalist cartoon symbols at random, and freely interpret the answer. The DOC is about sharing your truth from your heart and holding space for one another. Our mission is to teach everyone, everywhere that your insights matter. Because you know what’s up.

About Hannah, the creator of The DOC

The first prototype for The Deck of Character was drawn in 2017 when Hannah found her life at a crossroads. To her surprise, she kept finding people enjoyed playing the prototype; it eventually inspired her to produce manufactured copies of the game. Because of early adopters, she discovered new playing styles such as how The DOC liked to be played in a group, how the cards wanted to be interpreted with a sense of improvisation, and how the deck could be laid out in limitless formations.

Thanks for playing The DOC, exploring your truth, and sharing the deck with those you love.

You are the reason The DOC exists!