In some cases, the War card stands for conflict, anger, unhappiness, rage, tension, injustice, shadow, and inequality. It can be evidence of someone or something being taken advantage of, and the blindness of some to see the truth of the matter.
In a more metaphysical interpretation, War stands for the shedding of the old. The body in the card is leaving its current form to evolve into something greater. It is an exchange of energy.
War is strategic. It is the settling of major scores, karmic battles. If you think this card is speaking to the shuffling of the sheer mathematics of the cosmos, then look at the big picture of your life. Where do you need to place your next moves? Or reallocate resources?
War also leads to surrender, repentance, and reconciliation. It takes courage to move through. So when this card is pulled, think about where you are ultimately headed: peace and resolution.
Giving up your life for something, fire, explosion, invention, birth of the hero.