The Stereo card is usually a sign to “pump up the volume of your life.” Be you, loud and clear. Blast your “you-ness” out into the world. Tune into your own frequency because life is about being you and only you. Remember to be with the rhythm of your life, and share your vision with others.
Sometimes Stereo is also a call to connect with the messages and guidance of The Universe. If this is the case for you, the advice is to listen at this time. Are you hearing what angels, guides, Spirit, or the physics of The Universe are suggesting? You might even be receiving repeated messages. It is important to be open to your intuitive antenna.
It is also helpful to note that the Stereo card is a geometric, architectural, man made object. Pay attention to how things are built and arranged in front of you. Do you need to intervene in a situation with your sense of magic and creativity?
More Meanings:
Project your spirit, magic, fifth dimension connection, radio, communication, sonar, waves, shameless, free.