The Smoke card most often stands for obscurity. Things likely are not transparent, not what they seem, or not obvious at this time. Reality is likely complex, and you or someone you know is probably not seeing clearly. The greater meaning of things, the big picture, is likely not understood. With these conditions, it behooves one to wait for circumstances to pass. Wait until clarity arrives.
Smoke can stand for deceit. After all, it is a product of warfare. Smoke can be a sign that chaos is about to ensue, currently happening, or recently passed. It is a warning of danger nearby. Proceed with caution. Consider your intentions and the intentions of everyone involved in your situation. Is anything malicious happening currently?
Lastly, Smoke often reveals that an alchemic transformation is underway, whether intended or not. Things are changing, for better or worse. Sometimes it has a presence of celebration and other times sheer misery. It is a phase change, something solid morphing into gas; the unseen made visible.
Smoke dances mysteriously. It is hypnotizing. Watch it. Let it teach you. Let it be a meditation. And most importantly, allow time to pass until conditions clear before proceeding with solid footing. You or someone you know is likely making sense of a situation.
More Meanings:
A call to spirituality, ritual, shamanism, inner fire that isn't hot enough, blocks in the heart, a call to let go, cry for help, surrender, aftermath, tumultuous, unwelcome.