The Rock card most often speaks to stability. You or someone you know is likely standing upon a solid foundation at this time, or at least taking the proper steps to do so. Rock is likely a green light to keep going. Keep building. Keep stepping forward.
In rarer circumstances, Rock could speak to stubborn, tricky, rough, stuck, or literally rocky circumstances. If this is the case for you, be patient. Some blocks in life are physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging to bypass. It helps to go slow until a novel solution or way forward appears. Have faith. It gets easier with force and momentum, when the time and conditions are right.
Lastly, in a cheeky way, the Rock card can stand for rock ‘n roll. Know that the cards in The DOC are poetry; the sound of their names can also suggest quite direct meanings. If you feel this interpretation is important to your situation, it is time to rock out! Be rebellious, especially since you are most likely acting from a stable foundation at this time.
More Meanings:
Grounding, support, weight, lifeless material, core, ancient, old, raw weapon, barbaric tool, building block.