In most cases, the Poop card means letting go. The necessary lessons most likely have been learned and processed, and it is time to move onto the next. A chapter is likely complete. Life has been symbolically digested.

The Poop card also advises one to take the best and leave the rest. Use whatever nutrition is available for your own good use, and leave the remaining to waste. Not everything needs to be carried with you.

Lastly, the Poop card is a call to organize things. Are your affairs in good working order? Are there any blocks present? Metaphysically speaking, it is extremely important to process your life. If anything is not dealt with, it is dead energy lingering somewhere in your body and/or energy field. Make sure you are taking the utmost care of yourself at this time.


The end to a cycle, a return to earth, bull $h*t, low vibrational energy.