The Guts card is a fairly straightforward card. Quite literally, it could speak to nutrition and digestion, so it is advisable to pay attention to how you are caring for not only your physical body, but also your emotional and spiritual bodies. Symbolically, Guts may suggest needing to digest or process a message or experience, or it may imply the lesson has been finally learned.
In a rather fun way, Guts also stands for having guts! Be brave. Summon inner strength. Have courage to ignite positive change. You or someone you know may have the fire in the belly to make moves at this time!
The Guts card is a long tube and looks like a path. It may metaphorically be suggesting that the journey is winding, with lots of twists and turns. Stick with the natural creative and healing processes. The body knows what to do and where to go.
And lastly, Guts can speak to vulnerability. The guts are an extremely soft and sensitive part of the body. Again, take good care of yourself and those around you.
More Meanings:
Personal power, the body’s intuition, the stomach's messages, sickness, bodily, visceral, fleshy, exposed.