The Devotee card offers a straightforward energy. The figure stands for living from your heart, guided by a sense of purpose. One always knows what to do when love leads the way.

This card is based off the highest fortune, Modesty, in the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching. The character on The Deck of Character card is on their knees with their hands over their heart, humbly living for something greater than the ego’s immediate desires. The world opens to you when you live with modesty.

There is also a sense of symmetry in this card. The character sits on two knees, with two hands together. This sense of balance can create a possibility for contentment. The character gently has their eyes closed and is smiling softly. All is well, or there is at least the hope for all to become well.

More Meanings:

Faith, focus, inner peace, honor, loyalty, a call to consider what is best for you, ritual, daily practice, togetherness, unity, whole.