Claw is usually evidence that there is conflict or struggle nearby. You or someone you know may need to take appropriate action to confront the conflict, resolve it, and rise above the challenge. If one is in a fast-paced situation, one may need to act completely out of instinct. Practice acting from a place rooted in integrity.
Claw can also mean self-defense. There is a time and place to protect ourselves. Sometimes we have to take strong action to defend what matters most to us.
Claw is often a warning that you or someone you know are going about things the hard way. If so, take some time to reflect. Life does not have to be a constant uphill battle.
On the positive side, Claw can be encouragement that yes, you are getting there. Keep going. Keep fighting the good fight, one towards your personal truth and sense of justice.
More Meanings:
Proving yourself, clumsily making your way, fighting through the difficulty, naturally expressing boundaries, leaving your mark, digging, survival, instincts, scratch, strike, protective, terrifying, animalistic.