Breath is historically a rare card to pull in The Deck of Character. It usually shows up when things are in balance. Just as breath moves in and out of your body with flow, there likely is a harmonious give and take in your life at the moment. If there isn’t peace for you or someone you know right now, then this card serves as a call to work on a sense of contentment. The breath in our bodies reveals our emotional status.

Just like the Blood Card, Breath is a life force. However, it is of a different element: air. Where blood is the material that composes us, breath is the immaterial that flows through us.

Breath can also speak to the space that surrounds us. May you tap into the molecules of the universe that surround you, the elemental energy that connects you to everyone and everything.

The Breath card can also be a calm reminder that everything is happening in its own time. You will arrive at your sense of understanding in perfect time. Everything is happening at the divine right speed.


Sitting with something, high consciousness, inner victory, arrival, relaxation, meditation, life cycle, victory, motivation, release, awareness, understanding, connection, enlightenment, acceptance, zen, loving.