What do I need to know now?
What’s best at this time?
What do I want?
What do I need?
Where am I?
What’s next?
What is the best guidance for _______ ?
What’s up?
Who am I?
Or just a breath… no question at all.
Why did _______ happen?
How do I face the past?
How do I grow from the past?
Why do I keep thinking about _______?
What can I do about losing _______?
Why did _______ hurt me?
Who was I one year ago?
What should I carry with me from the past?
What will next year look like?
What should I do next?
What should I look forward to with this upcoming _____?
Who will I be in one year?
What’s coming next?
What’s the best next step?
What will happen if I do _______?
What does the future me need most?
What is going to happen with _______?
What’s best for me at this time?
How can I better embrace my identity?
What should I do when _______ happens?
How can I immediately address _______?
What are my demons? And how do I confront them?
How do I let go of _______?
How can I take care of my health?
What qualities about myself should I embrace?
I’m lost. Help?
How can I reinvent myself?
How am I transforming?
How am I growing?
Who was I as a child?
What is my greater purpose?
What am I chasing?
What is it time to move on from?
What makes me happy?
What’s next in my love life?
How can I love more?
Are we compatible?
Should I reach out?
Should we take things to the next level?
What love is present in my life?
Who sees me as myself the most?
What do I love about myself?
How do I love best?
Is an apology necessary here?
What does my partner, family, team, or community need?
Why is _______ person in my life?
What did my upbringing teach me about love?
What is my love language?
What wealth am I destined for?
How can I provide better for myself?
What is the best career for me?
How can I serve others better?
Is this change in my work life good for me?
Does my boss or following appreciate me?
How am I creative?
Should I try something new?
Am I a success or a failure?
Am I on the right path?
What is the meaning of life?
Where is the world going?
Where do we come from?
What happens after we die?
What do we need most?
How did _______ impact society?
How can we serve humanity?
How do we achieve collective liberation?