The Heaven card usually shows up to say that you are closely connected to your truth at this time. You deserve to live a transparent and honest life. The divine is likely guiding you to positive experiences; it is time to listen closely.
The Heaven card, with the sun rays radiating outward, also represents heart expansion. Anything is possible when you lead your life with love. Love yourself first and foremost. And love the world and community that surrounds you. You are infinitely powerful when you choose a path directed by the heart.
You are likely walking the right path at this time, especially if you feel you are taking action that is in alignment with your integrity. Keep moving forward.
Freedom, peace, joy, devotion, miracle, divine purpose, clarity, gratitude, enlightenment, the afterlife, connection to spirit, expansiveness, support, weightlessness, destiny, invisibility, guidance, illusion, naivety, perfectionism, engulfed in sunlight.